The evolution of the flaming chalice--designed in 1941 as a logo for
the Unitarian Service Committee--into a religious symbol for many
Unitarian Universalists has been documented by Daniel D. Hotchkiss in
a Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) pamphlet1,
the Journal of Unitarian Universalist History, First Days Record,
and the Unitarian Universalist World.2.
In his article in First Days Record in September 1999,
Hotchkiss asks ministerial colleagues for information they may have
to aid him in his research for a forthcoming book. He touches upon
the role of religious educators in the transition from logo to
By the late 1970s, some congregations had begun to light actual
chalices with real flames in them. I have a hunch that in many places
it started as a thing to do with children, and spread later on to
the "adult" service.
Hotchkiss also refers to the use of flaming chalice jewelry as
presentation gifts to support milestones in religious education
Anecdotal accounts and recollections suggest that the transformation
came about primarily through the use of the flaming chalice in
religious education programs, children's worship, and Unitarian
Universalist youth groups. More research is necessary to confirm this
thesis. Some early uses of the flaming chalice in religious education
include: the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee's "A Guest
at Your Table Program," activities and crafts relating to the
flaming chalice, and the actual lighting of candles in chalices. The
purpose of this brief paper is to illustrate some uses in religious
education materials and practices which appear to predate general
usage of the Lighting of the Chalice as a ritual in Sunday morning
worship services and to suggest avenues for further investigation. It
will consider actual practice in religious education and worship
services in three Greater Washington, D.C., area congregations.
While some uses of the flaming chalice in a context other than as the
logo of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) have been
noted prior to 1975, the next ten years were the decade during which
new attitudes toward and usages of the flaming chalice emerged. Among
earlier uses noted is the lighting of a chalice in a youth-sponsored
intergenerational Christmas service in the West Shore Unitarian
Church in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1965.3
In 1975 the UUA issued a commemorative booklet, A Heritage of
Growing Light, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the
founding of the American Unitarian Association. There is no
photograph of a lighted chalice, flaming chalice jewelry, or flaming
chalice T-shirts in the booklet, although lighted candles are shown
on the cover and inside the booklet. These words appear in the
section on symbols:
Candles symbolize many things.. .learning, continuity, the passing of
time, illumination and freedom. Fire, the element which transforms
the simple wax cylinder into the candle long has symbolized life. Our
own denomination has widely used the flaming chalice as its symbol of
enlightenment and life. Sometimes we have enclosed it within two
intertwined circles-the circle being symbolic of many things as
well-among them, life, unity, universality, and to some, the shape of
the temple of worship. Examples can be seen in the Cherry Hill, New
Jersey; Little Rock, Arkansas; and Schenectady, New York,
The preceding page has illustrations of flaming chalices, one a
“handmade stained glass chalice" and one in a wooden
mosaic. The Little Rock and Schenectady churches are pictured
elsewhere, although the metal flaming chalice sculpture on the front
of the Little Rock church5,
placed there when the building was completed in 1965, is not shown.
The picture of the interior of the Schenectady church shows wooden
bas relief chalices.
The UUSC's Guest at Your Table program was started in 1976. It was
always pointed toward religious educators and included religious
education as well as worship materials. A religious education
curriculum guide for older elementary children was published, further
cementing the relationship between UUSC and religious educators.
Religious education materials developed locally throughout the UUA
began to include activities related to the flaming chalice in the
1970s. UU Culture, a program developed at All Souls' Church in
Washington, D.C., by Frank Robertson was printed and widely
distributed by the Joseph Priestley District Religious Education
Committee. It contains a unit on symbols6
and an activity where junior high youth design their own symbol and
then study six pictured symbols, identified as "common symbols"
to Unitarian Universalists. The first of these is the UUSC flaming
chalice and the description reads: "The flaming chalice
represents world service as a light in a world of darkness and
suffering. It was first used by the Unitarian Universalist Service
Committee and most used by American Unitarian Universalists today."
Celebrating Our Roots and Branches, a religious education
program for children ages five to eight, was developed in the Mount
Vernon Unitarian Church in Alexandria, Virginia, in 1976-1977, field
tested in other churches in the Greater Washington, D.C. area, and
published in 1979 by the Joseph Priestley District Religious
Education Committee. A unit on "American Religion" includes
a learning center on symbols and a "UU" learning center,
which the curriculum guide suggests include "flaming chalices of
different sizes, styles and materials." One activity is to make
flaming chalice pendants, and a drawing of a child wearing one is
The text says "One class had four flaming chalice T-shirts in
different sizes to try on and observe in a full-length mirror."
These commercially printed T-shirts were sold by Mount Vernon youth
as a fundraiser. The 1986 revision of the curriculum reflects the
growing emphasis on Unitarian Universalist identity with an
additional six session unit on "Celebrating Our Unitarian
Universalist Roots and Branches."8
Suggestions include having a church member make a flaming Chalice
puzzle (using directions from the First Unitarian Church in Dallas,
Texas, which had appeared in a UUA REACH packet in the early
eighties), providing UUSC flaming chalice jewelry for hands-on
exploration, singing "This Little Light of Mine" and "Rise
Up O Flame," and making a flaming chalice sun catcher. General
directions for the closing session "Celebrating," say "Be
sure you have a chalice to light," indicating that this
instruction would be clearly understood by religious education
teachers without further elaboration.
By this time, many children in Greater Washington congregations had
made the flaming chalice their own symbol of their faith. One
illustration took place in 1981: Two fourth grade girls met in school
and quickly became friends. When Megan visited Lucia and they went
through Lucia's button collection, Megan pounced on one from the UUSC
that featured a flaming chalice and said, "I didn't know you
were a UU, Lucia!" Although the girls attended the same public
school, they participated in religious education programs in
different churches.9
Examination of printed orders for worship services and services of
ordination and installation give some clues to local practice with
regard to chalice lightings, although the preference of individual
ministers plays a role as well. At the Mount Vernon Unitarian Church,
where the lighting of a chalice was an understood practice in the
religious education program in 1986, and some orders of service prior
to that indicate a chalice was lighted in the adult worship service,
the order for installation of two ministers10
in November of 1986 includes "The Lighting of Candles,"
which were gifts from the ministers, it does not use the word
In the Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville, Maryland, the
following "Lighting of the Chalices" was used in religious
education sometime between 1982 and 198411,
with the religious educator and five youth participating:
Light is so important to human beings that many religions have made
it a major symbol of faith. . . Our own flaming chalice is a symbol
which we took from our Unitarian Universalist Service Committee..
.Even though our churches and societies are quite diverse, this sign
is recognized by Unitarian Universalists throughout the world. Even
though these chalices, or cups, are diverse, the symbol is the same.
I light this light for freedom.
I light this light for truth.
I light this light for beauty.
I light this light for diversity.
I light this light for unity.
Six services of ordination and/or installation of ministers 12
took place in the Rockville congregation in the years 1980-2000. In
only two are the words "Chalice Lighting" or "Lighting
of the Chalice" used, although chalices may have been present
for the other services. That language was absent in three services of
ordination and one installation in the 1980s, and absent in an
installation service in 1992. It was used in an ordination service in
1990 and an installation in 2000. This indicates a use of the flaming
chalice in religious education long before it was an established part
of the Sunday morning worship service.
During the late 1970s and early 1980s, the pewter chalice sold by the
became popular among our churches, and virtually every congregation
in the Greater Washington area owned at least one. At Cedar Lane
Unitarian (now Unitarian Universalist) Church, a chalice was lighted
in the children's chapel service in the late 1970s, and when the
minister of religious education Elizabeth Anastos departed in 1980
she gave the congregation one of these chalices. It was not until the
early 1990s that it became a regular part of the Sunday worship
service, despite having been used in adult services on many
In January of 1980 the Board of the UUA approved the formation of a
Religious Education Futures Committee charged to, among other things,
plan for programs that would satisfy the felt need of many Unitarian
Universalists to "acquire a knowledge of and identify with the
values, beliefs, and history of our traditions." The 1981 report
of the committee includes these words:
A religious education program should enable people to identify
themselves as members of a religious community. This means that
curricula-which involve historical materials, worship,
intergenerational celebrations, symbols, the arts, and stories-will
embody and identify Unitarian Universalist principles so that
children, youth, and adults can articulate and act upon these
No part of the Futures Committee Report15
has been implemented to a greater extent than this. All curriculum
materials published by the UUA since then have a strong emphasis on
Unitarian Universalist identity and include lighting of chalices and
the use of activities and crafts related to the flaming chalice.
Development of the Renaissance Program for training of religious
educators began in 1981 and one of the earliest modules developed for
the program was the one on "Unitarian Universalist Identity."
That the lighting of chalices had assumed a larger role in religious
education than in the religious movement at large may be seen by
comparing the previous dates with two others. The first printed order
from the Service of the Living Tradition, held each year at the UUA
General Assembly, which includes the lighting of a chalice16
is that from 1988. The 1993 edition of The Unitarian Universalist
Pocket Guide includes in the section on "Our Worship,"
these words, absent from previous editions:
...a fire is often kindled in a wide-brimmed chalice. This ancient
symbol of our living tradition reminds us that we are neither the
first nor the last persons who so gather.
Further investigation can pinpoint more accurately the beginnings of
actual lightings of candles or wicks in chalices in religious
education classes, children's worship, and youth groups. Because
printed orders of worship are not often used for children's and youth
worship, researchers will need to gather planning notes,
recollections, and snapshots. UUA REACH packets distributed prior to
1985 should be examined to glean information from materials shared by
religious educators all over the continent. Close reading of
curriculum materials developed and printed by congregations,
districts, and the UUA from 1975 to 1985 could be fruitful in
learning when certain practices became common. Historical records of
the UUSC may be examined for information relating to the role played
by this organization in promoting the flaming chalices for purposes
other than the UUSC programs. The collection of documentation for
anecdotal recollections of religious educators, clergy, and
participants in the life of Unitarian Universalist churches might
include examination of orders of worship, newsletters, and minutes of
committees and governing boards.
Documentation that chalice lighting has occurred in classes and
worship services in Unitarian Universalist churches during the past
25 or 30 years does not by itself prove that the flaming chalice has
become a symbol rich with meaning to participants in the ritual. Here
we turn to experiential reports. Unitarian Universalist religious
educators who responded to a request on two electronic lists for
information about the lighting of chalices in their experience
responded not only with straightforward data, but more often with
statements about the meaning of chalice lighting in their lives. Two
I liked the chalices [used in Renaissance modules] and began
including chalice lightings at committee meetings, and in the worship
services we did outside of the main Sunday morning services for a
group called GLO (Gay Lesbian Outreach) in the San Diego Church.
These would have been in the early 1980s.
We used to light the chalice and say:
Blessed is the match consumed in the kindling flame.
Blessed is the flame that burns in the heart's secret places.
Blessed is the heart with the courage to stop its beating for life's
Blessed is the match consumed in the kindling flame.
I've since learned that Hanna Senesh wrote the original of this and
we adapted it to the needs of the GLO group, at a time when we were
all terribly frightened and not generally accepted by the
congregation because of our sexual orientation. We did this chalice
lighting at the first "out" worship service done by GLBT
people at the Palm Springs GA. Thanks for asking.17 experience with my first chalice lighting was a revelation for
me. As a young adult I worked as a studio potter. I was making hand
built forms and had a strong interest in ancient vessels. I was drawn
over and over again to those forms used in ritual and ceremony,
particularly those that resembled stemmed bowls. I referred to those
forms as chalices. The image they provided seemed to speak to a
deepening and wholeness... while suggesting an offering. This became
a religious symbol for me because it spoke to something innate and
inherent to my sense of meaning years before I entered a Unitarian
Universalist 1987. When the chalice was placed front and
center and lit for the service I was elated. Here was a place whose
religious imagery already spoke to me before any words were shared.18
His 1993 pamphlet was a revision of one written by John R. B. Szala
in 1979.
The Journal article and the piece in the Unitarian
Universalist World broke
new ground by revealing that
the logo had been used on
identification documents for refugees; other widely published
accounts had indicated only that it was used on supplies and
materials provided by the Unitarian Service Committee.
Order of service provided by Marjorie W. Skwire, minister of
religious education at the church.
This booklet has no page numbers, so numbers have been assigned,
beginning with the inside front cover as page 1. The quote about
symbols appears on page 14; the pictures of churches referred to is
on page 6.
The original main building (pictured) was not round,
but rather octagonal. The intent, however, was to
have services "in the round." Source:
materials published by the congregation 1963-1965.
Flaming chalice information and
drawings of symbols may be found on pages five through nine.
This may be found on page 62 of the 1986 edition.
Pages 127-134. Curriculum developed by Betty Jo Middleton.
This conversation between Lucia Katherine Middleton and Megan Hay
was overheard by the writer.
Kenneth Gordon Hurto was installed as parish minister and Betty Jo
Middleton as minister of religious education.
In personal papers of the writer, who served this church 1982-1984.
The planning notes contain names of teen readers.
This information was gleaned from the printed orders of service for
the ordination of Ellen Fay Johnson in 1980, the ordination and
installation of Betty Jo Middleton in 1983, the ordination of Linda
Ann Hart in 1984, the installation of Sara Moores Campbell in 1986,
the ordination of Elizabeth Miller Cox in 1990, the installation of
Jack Young in 1992, and the installation of Jay Abernathy in 2000.
Ruth Ellen Gibson, minister of religious education, was a volunteer
in the late 1970s in a church that had no budget for buying such a
chalice, so, she writes, “we found some ice cream goblets in
the kitchen and used one of them for children’s worship.”
Confirmed by conversations with Roger Fritts, senior minister, and
Glenis Bellais, church member and long-time religious education
administrator, and examination of printed orders of worship for
selected years.
Published by the Unitarian Universalist Association in 1981.
The chalice was lighted by Silvio Nardoni and Til Evans,
representing spouses of deceased ministers. The chalice was made by
Robert Duprey, whose family spanned seven generations of membership
in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brockton, Massachusetts.
This was a personal electronic communication from Helen Bishop. The
year for this first “out” worship service she mentions
is the same as that for the first lighting of a chalice in the
Service of the Living Tradition.
This was a personal electronic communication from Lori Bernard
[Staubitz]. The church she mentions is the Unitarian Universalist
Church in Little Rock, Arkansas.