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Details the contents of every lesson in 39 of our most recent curricula.
Be sure you also have the Second Edition, for the 55 earlier curricula.Both books contain charts categorizing curricula by major topics and by the ages for which they were designed.
With these guides in your R.E. office, you'll know what is in your teachers' hands.
Do you have curricula on your shelves, but not the time to find out what is in them?
Do you wonder which curriculum would be best for a particular use?
Would you like to find a certain game, craft, meditation, or ritual?
Are you looking for a lesson on a certain person or topic?
The 2005 Supplement is 115 pages, spiral bound, with 10 pages of index, and is also available on a CD, searchable with Microsoft Word.
For more information contact the author at the address below or by phone (508-358-7517) or e-mail (virginia@thesteels.com).
To order: Send the form below to Virginia G. Steel, 22 Sylvan Way, Wayland, MA 01778, with your check, and Which Lesson? 2005 Supplement will be mailed to you, postage paid.
Please send _____ copy (copies) of Which Lesson? U.U. Curriculum Content Finder - 2005 Supplement to the Second Edition Book or CD - $35.00 each OR both together - $45.00. Circle your choice.
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Virginia G. Steel, 22 Sylvan Way, Wayland, MA 01778 E-mail virginia@thesteels.com Phone 508-358-7517
Ordering Options
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"Which Lesson? UU Curriculum Content Finder" - Second Edition
2005 Supplement to the Second Edition
by Virginia Steel
Which Lesson? U.U. Curriculum Content Finder, Second Edition
Book or CD $34 Both book and CD $40
2005 Supplement to the Second Edition
Book or CD $35 Both book and CD $45
Combination orders (Second Edition plus 2005 Supplement)
Both books OR Both books on one CD $60
Both books AND Both books on one or two CDs $75
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A check for $_________is enclosed.
Please make check payable to Virginia G. Steel
and send to Virginia Steel, 22 Sylvan Way, Wayland, MA 01778
For more information contact the author at the address above or by phone (508-358-7517) or e-mail (virginia@thesteels.com).