Unitarian Universalist Curriculum and Resource Developers
UUCARDS chalice

Cheryl Binkley
6361 Lincolnia Road
Alexandria, VA 22312

Cheryl Gibbs Binkley has served as a religious educator at both large and mid- size congregations, and currently is a Special Education and English high school teacher. She has co-authored the following 3 items with Jane McKeel. In addition, she is currently working on several books.
Jesus & His Kingdom of Equals32 sessions. Interpretation of historical Jesus based on contemporary research, an unfolding narrative of Jewish reformer. Drama, simulations, crafts, songs, social service initiatives, other hands-on activities reinforce values of respect, sharing, conflict resolution, friendship and forgiveness. Polebridge Press. .Gr.4-7$50
Living the Promise30 sessions. Hebrew narrative from the patriarchs, Israel's Golden Age, the prophets, Babylonian Exile. Ceremonies, role-plays and skits, model-building, problem-solving, cooperative games. Spiritual themes: development of monotheism and meaning of covenant.Gr. 4-6$35
Managing the RE ClassroomHandbook for Dynamic Teaching. Learning theory, classroom management and special needs profiles, classroom enhancements such as storytelling, music tips and hymns, games, meditation, discussion techniques, field trips.$10

Ordering Information

Jesus and His Kingdom of Equals
Order from Polebridge Press, PO Box 6144, Santa Rosa, CA 95406

Living the Promise$35
Managing the RE Classroom$10
Order from Cheryl Binkly

 Debbie Berkana/Veronica Lassen   Cheryl Binkley   Charlene Brotman   Gaia Brown   Cathy Cartwright-Chow   Kate Tweedie Covey   Connie Dunn   Lindy Gifford 
 Karen Hager   Lynn Yarrington Hunt   Rick and Tirrell Kimball   Betty Jo Middleton   Tim Murphy   Nita Penfold   Michelle Richards   Linda Scacco   Virginia Steel 
 Denise Tracy   Gleb Tsipursky   Helen Zidowecki   
   Church of the Larger Fellowship   First Unitarian Society of Madison   Green Timber Publications 
 UU Church of Greater Lansing -- Teresa Putnam/Kathy McWilliams   Unitarian  Universalists for Polyamory Awareness (UUPA)   UU Women and Religion